The Curse of Psoriasis

If you are one of the many who are suffering from psoriasis then it is just understandable that you might feel you are cursed. The skin condition is chronic, meaning it recurs when exposed to triggers like stress, weather condition and the likes. There is no known cure which definitely intensifies the burden of the patient enduring it.

Because of the skin disease's prevalence, questions like "what is psoriasis?" and "is psoriasis contagious?" are fairly common. Let us answer these frequently asked questions one by one.

1. What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin affliction that is classified as one of the auto-immune diseases. Patients suffering from it have this abnormal body condition wherein there is an excessive reproduction of skin cells. This overproduction results to different symptoms that can be distinguished from mild to severe.
2. Is psoriasis contagious?

Psoriasis is non-contagious skin disease and non-infectious although no definite cause has been identified with its occurrence, it is widely known that genetics played a great part in it.

3. How can it be diagnosed?

Most often, medical doctors rely on the appearance of the affliction. Plaque psoriasis, one of the most common types of the skin disease, has a distinct silvery-white tone. In order to validate the findings, some tests, like skin biopsy or scraping, are ordered to be done.

4. What are the types of psoriasis and what are its symptoms?

There are 7 known variants of psoriasis and each can be identified through its appearance and other characteristics. These seven are:

a. Plaque psoriasis
It is the most common and most prevalent among the types. Approximately 8 out 10 psoriasis patients are categorized under this.

It manifests symptoms like the appearance of inflamed, raised and red skin with plaques of silvery-white color. These rashes can sometimes be itchy and painful. In severe cases, the skin may also crack and bleed.

b. Nail Psoriasis
Simply put, this type occurs and affects the fingernails and toes. It shows pitting, abnormal discoloration and growth.

c. Gluttate Psoriasis
This is less common than plaque psoriasis but like it, it also manifests thinner skin lesions. It is usually triggered by a respiratory illness and sometimes goes away on its own unless the patient is still exposed to the trigger.

d. Inverse Psoriasis
It is so named because the lesions, although bright and red, are smooth and shiny. It usually appears in areas under skin folds like armpits, groin areas, buttocks and genitals. They are prone to exacerbation because of exposure to sweat and constant rubbing

e. Pustular Psoriasis
This type although less common is more serious. It is characterized by pus-filled skin bumps with redness surrounding it. It needs medical attention since it can trigger secondary ailments like fever, chills, muscle weakness, and nausea among others.

It can be triggered by a number of factors like taking and sudden withdrawal of systemic medications, UV Light overexposure, pregnancy, stress and certain kinds of chemicals.

f. Scalp Psoriasis
Just like the nail psoriasis, this is aptly named because of the appearance of red and white scales on patient's scalp.

g. Erythrodermic Psoriasis
This is the least common type of the dreaded skin disease and positively the most severe. If you see a patient suffering from this you will definitely ask that previous question - "is psoriasis contagious?" because of its intimidating appearance.

It may not be contagious but it surely needs an immediate medical attention. The body is covered all over by redness and severe itchiness. This condition causes one to have an increased heart rate and a change in body temperature.

Other than these, it can also cause serious complications like protein and fluid loss; infection; pneumonia; and congestive heart failure.

In any onset of a disease, it is wise to seek the advice of your medical doctor. This will ensure that you will get adequate treatment and medication appropriate to your skin condition.

Veronica Ayuste has definitely been doing a good deal of investigation relating to natural skin care solutions. Determine even more pertaining to this question is psoriasis contagious?

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What Does Awareness Really Mean in Relation to Down Syndrome?

Understanding Down Syndrome, the effect is has on those with the disorder, and the families it impacts, is something few can attest to.

Society may only see a child with specific features, such as a flattened nose, smaller ears and eyes, and the probability of some degree of mental retardation. But, the disorder has more than just a few visual characteristics that set it apart from other disabilities.

Creating an awareness of Down syndrome as a whole disorder and how it affects not only the individual with it, but those that love and care for them is important. But, what is awareness? What does it mean in relation to this disability?

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word aware as: "vigilance in observing or alertness in drawing inferences from what one experiences." Explained: watch to avoid the danger of passing statements or judgments as true from the experiences of others. Simply put: Just because one child with Down syndrome moves into adulthood with minimal complications, does not mean that all will do so.

Nearly 50% of children with Down syndrome have heart defects such as atrial septal or ventricular septal. Both increase the risk of early death. (See for article) And many will require surgery in early infancy according to the Mayo Clinic.

Nearly 2% of Down syndrome children will be diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), which affects the lymphoid white blood cells, or, Acute Non-lymphocytic Leukemia (ANLL), a fast moving cancer that affects the myeloid white blood cells. The children with ALL have responded better to treatment, however, the cure can be as deadly as the disease.

This disorder increases the susceptibility to infections as well. Ear infections and pneumonia risks are greater. Intestinal problems and/or abnormalities, hearing and/or vision impairments or loss are also not uncommon.)
Awareness means that each child, and their family, faces battles daily. Some are easier to overcome than others. Some cannot be overcome at all.

With this knowledge, those in positions to be of service to the family, give consolation, or just offer shoulders of support can bring the awareness of hope to those that need it most.
Jaime Baxter, 2008

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Stages of breast cancer

When breast cancer is discovered, additional tests will be done to find out if the cancer has spread from the breast to other parts of the body.

These include:
  • Chest X-ray
  • Ultrasound examination of the liver
  • Bone scintigraphy
  • Determination of tumor marker
In order to plan treatment, the doctor needs to know the stage of the disease.
In breast cancer, there are the following stages:
Stage 0 or carcinoma in situ

15-20% of breast cancers are detected in early stages, either when the wall of the duct or is exceeded just Brustläppchens minimally or not yet. The latter is known as carcinoma in situ. There are two types of breast cancer in situ: a the carcinoma in situ of the duct (also called intraductales carcinoma), and the other type is the lobular carcinoma in situ. Patients with a diagnosis of carcinoma in situ (stage 0 breast cancer) develop a 25% probability within the next 25 years, a breast cancer.
Stage I

The tumor is not greater than 2 cm, and has not spread outside the breast.
Stage II

A distinction is a stage II A and B. Stage II Stage II A is defined by one of the following:
  • The tumor is not greater than 2 cm, but has spread to lymph nodes in the armpits
  • The tumor is between 2 - and 5 inches, but it has not affected lymph nodes in the armpit
Stage II B is defined by one of the following:
  • The tumor is between 2 and 5 cm in size and it has spread to lymph nodes in the armpit
  • The tumor is larger than 5 cm, but he has not yet spread to the lymph nodes in the armpits.
Stage III
Stage III is also divided into a stage III A and a stage III B.

Stage III A is defined by one of the following:
  • The tumor is smaller than 5 cm, has spread to the lymph nodes in the armpits, and the lymph nodes are fused with each other or to other structures
  • The tumor is larger than 5 centimeters and has spread to the lymph nodes in the armpits
Stage III B is defined by one of the following:
  • The tumor has spread to the tissue around the breast (skin edge of the thorax, including ribs and muscles in the chest)
  • The cancer has spread to lymph nodes inside the chest wall along the breast bone
Stage IV

The cancer has spread to other organs of the body (metastasis), usually the bones, lungs, liver, or brain, or the tumor has spread locally in the skin and the cervical lymph nodes near the collarbone.
A sub-group or a special group of stage IV is the so-called inflammatory breast cancer, the inflammatory breast cancer:

Inflammatory breast cancer is a special class of breast cancer, which is rare. The chest will appear because of the reddish appearance and heat ignited like. The skin may surveys (plateau difference) and furrows (orange peel - phenomenon) show altered or appear pitted. Inflammatory breast cancer tends to spread quickly.

Recurrent disease means that the cancer has come back after treatment (relapse). It can in the chest, in the soft tissues of the chest or other parts of the body (liver, lung, bone, brain) occur again.